Keep that youthful appearance with supplements for skin
There are many skin supplement products and skin care topical items as well as oral (pills) to be found on the drug and grocery store shelves. A human’s skin is the largest organ of the body and appreciates being pampered from time to time.
We do harmful things to our skin every day whether we are outside in the heat of the sun or swimming in the salt water of an ocean, there can be damaged done to our skin. Washing our face and body every day even causes some damage because as we cleanse with soaps and sponges we remove some of the protective skin oils, causing the skin to dry and flake off. Some of the notable skin vitamins that provide help from the inside include:
Vitamin A helps by smoothing out wrinkles
Vitamin A has long been a champion of skin care and found its use in treatment for acne. It is a part of a popular product known as Retin-A which is known for successfully helping to eliminate small wrinkles, particularly those tiny ones we call laugh lines around the mouth and eyes. Vitamin A helps restore the skins texture as it restores skin’s collagen producing ability.
The entire complex of B vitamins are valuable for skin care
Skin vitamins are important to a healthy body, skin, and mind but each of the B-complex vitamins plays an especially important role in skin care. B1, also known as thiamin helps improve blood flow and that in turn gives skin its healthy glow. B3 or niacin helps by keeping skin hydrated and youthful in appearance. Dried sun damaged skin looks aged and will wrinkle early.
B5 also called pantothenic acid will also keep your skin from becoming dry and appearing tired or pale. B5 has also proven to be valuable in treating acne. B-complex vitamins can be found in many foods including fish, beans, peas, and leafy green vegetables or can be easily taken as part of a daily multivitamin body and skin supplement.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that works against ultra violet light
Vitamin E provides the skin with soothing properties while guarding against pollution, ultra violet light or other elements damaging to skin cells. As an antioxidant it works well at fighting the free radicals that would harm our skin. Vitamin E can be found in many forms including creams, lotions, or as topical oil. Vitamin E can also be taken orally in capsule form. In any way you care to use it, vitamin E is very effective as a skin vitamin.
Vitamin C is another antioxidant that protects our skin
It appears as though vitamin C does the work of an inflammation fighter from the inside out of our body. As an effective antioxidant vitamin C helps keep skin tissue healthy by fighting free radicals and helping skin retain the healthy smoothness we love to see and feel. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has a proven track record of usefulness in many health issues and particularly effective in skin care.
Estrogen and Omega-3 fish oils help dry skin
Although not a vitamin, estrogen is a hormone that older women cannot do without. It prevents skin from becoming overly dry and helps eliminate wrinkles due to its hydrating properties. Fish oils (Omega-3) hydrate skin from the inside out.
Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A
The most effective ingredient in most skin care products available today is found to be Retinol. As a naturally occurring form of vitamin A it works well on sensitive skin as it doesn’t bring about peeling or redness, common problems with many other cream skin supplement ingredients. Overall our skin requires some care and preventative maintenance but it’s worth it to have that youthful glow.