St Johns Wort
St John’s Wort
Recent use of St Johns Wort has increased. Why is this herbal medicine so popular? It has been used for many years as an active cure for both internal and external ailments; everything from flesh wounds to nervousness.
Today it is used in Europe primarily to treat depression, even more so than mainstream drugs. St John’s Wort is a leafy shrub. The leaves and small flowers are removed from the plant and dried out. Then they are used most commonly in powdered form for medicinal purposes. The herb’s pigment, hypericin, is said to provide therapeutic bodily relief.
Other common consumer uses of the herb include insomnia and pre menstrual symptoms. It is still used for wounds as well, to soothe any cuts, bruises and inflammation on the body. While it used to be used primarily as a powder, capsules and tablets are the most common form of St. John’s Wort purchased today. These herbal supplements are taken daily as a nutrition supplement.