Over 45% of the population react adversely to foods that they eat, which whilst not life threatening, can have a massive impact on someone’s quality of work and home life.
The way that food can affect our everyday life is often difficult to explain and it is common for people to try and eliminate foods from their diet to help themselves feel better. Often they don’t know which foods to try and eliminate and have to guess. Many people don’t know that identifying food intolerances† can be an important element of optimising health and wellbeing.
Lorisian, has over 30 years’ experience, specialising in laboratory tests that measure food triggers (food-specific IgG antibodies). Their results offer a fast track or starting point for an elimination diet.
The tests are aimed at those that may have food intolerances†, and those who want to optimise their diets by avoiding any foods that they are reacting to. Their aim is to promote wellbeing within the pressures of a modern lifestyle. There are 4 testing options available with reactions to 50, 75, 100 or 150 different food ingredients tested.
†Food intolerance is a condition with a range of symptoms including gut symptoms, bloating, headaches, migraines, low mood, fatigue, weight gain and skin problems. These symptoms must always be checked out by a Medical Professional.
The Laboratory
Lorisian has over 30 years’ experience in laboratory diagnostic testing.
Lorisian are committed to improving the health of food intolerance sufferers through providing actionable, personalised information and support.
They are Europe’s leading provider of food and drink intolerance tests.
EC Directives
Their products comply with strict EC directives and meet the highest industry guidelines:
Certification ISO9001:2008Certification ISO13485:2003
European Medical Device directive 93/42/EEC
European In Vitro Diagnostic Directive 98/79/EC
At their laboratory they specialise in rigorous analytical testing. They test for food-specific IgG antibodies in blood samples. The presence of food-specific IgG antibodies indicates that a reaction has occurred to that particular food and the results from the test are used to formulate an elimination diet. Blood samples are handled and tested only by their own trained, qualified laboratory scientists at Lorisian Laboratories.
What happens to a blood sample when it arrives in our laboratory?
The sample is processed with the utmost care and attention and all sample information is stored on a secure IT system
Each sample is given its own unique tracking number to allow Lorisian to track it through the testing process
The blood sample is removed from the wand and prepared for testing
They use ELISA technology (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) to detect food-specific IgG antibodies in your blood.
The ELISA method is used extensively in hospital laboratories. This technique has been shown to be highly reproducible in measuring antibodies of clinical importance. The test is unique to Lorisian and their parent company has been providing diagnostic testing since 1982
They check the sample at 7 key stages through the laboratory process before sending out the final result
Once your sample has been tested it is disposed of in a secure manner and the information is stored within their secure data storage system
Each sample tested has a customised results pack assembled which can be delivered back to you.
Qualified medical professionals;
Dr Gill Hart PhD.,BSc (Hons),Cert Mgmt (open),MIBMS
Dr Peter Horlock PhD.,M. Res.,BSc (Hons)
Dr Nick Varey,MBChB FFPM,Hon D Litt.
An Explanation of Food Intolerance
What is the difference between allergy and intolerance?
The term ‘food intolerance’ and ‘food allergy’ are often confused and are two very different things.Genuine food allergy is relatively rare. Only about 2% of the adult population are affected. A food allergy is a swift response by the body’s immune system to a specific food. In this type of reaction, the body’s immune system mistakes a food for an ‘invader’ which often results in a rapid allergic reaction often within minutes, but generally within a maximum of two hours. This type of allergic reaction is commonly associated reactions to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs and seafood.
Food intolerance is quite different to food allergy and whilst the symptoms can impact the person’s quality of life they are not life threatening. Food intolerances are much more common than food allergies.
When foods and drinks are digested the proteins within them are broken down into smaller fragments for easy absorption into the body. Larger fragments can pass through without breaking down, and sometimes the body reacts by attacking them using antibodies called Immunoglobulin G’s (IgG).
A recent study* has shown that those who eliminated trigger foods based on food-specific IgG test results had reductions in weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference and improvements in all indicators of quality of life that were measured. The quality of life indicators included physical and emotional wellbeing, mental health, social life, pain levels and vitality.
*Lewis J et al, 2012: Eliminating Immunologically-Reactive Foods from the Diet and its Effect on Body Composition and Quality of Life in Overweight Persons. Journal Obesity & Weight loss Therapy 2:1
Allergy vs Intolerance | |
Food Intolerance | Food Allergy |
Reactions up to 72 hours after eating | Immediate reactions (2 hours or less) |
Multiple foods can be involved | Rarely more than 1 to 2 foods |
Any organ system can be affected | Primarily skin, airways and digestive system |
Very common | Trace amounts of foods can cause reactions |
Difficult to self-diagnose | Caused by raised IgE antibody |
Symptoms can clear after avoidance (3-6 months) | Lifelong |
Symptoms of food intolerance
Food intolerance† is a condition with a wide range of symptoms including: including gut symptoms, bloating, migraines, low mood, weight gain, fatigue and skin problems.
Abdominal Pain
Aches and Pains
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Fluid Retention
Stomach Cramps
Weight loss/Weight Gain
Symptoms of food intolerance can take up to 72 hours to appear after eating the trigger food or group of foods. On average people who suffer from food intolerances usually have between 4 and 8 trigger foods. Many people suffer for years, having formed a coping mechanism to deal with the symptoms but being unable to enjoy a normal work and home life.
Many people don’t realise that there are easy steps to take that could resolve their condition.
Lorisian can help you provide a fast track or starting point for an elimination diet to help you optimise your health and wellbeing.
†Food intolerance symptoms must always be checked out by a Medical Professional. If you have been to see a Medical Professional but have not been given a diagnosis for your symptoms then you may be suffering from food intolerance.