Heart Cardiovascular
Some popular Supplements for Heart Cardiovascular health
It is never too early to begin protecting your cardiovascular system from damage caused by the environment and an unhealthy diet. Both contribute to high blood pressure and stroke as well as potential heart attacks. Heart supplements can help by providing the ingredients our diet may be missing.
A healthy heart comes from a healthy diet regimen
Today we know a lot more than ever before about what makes a heart healthy and how to keep it that way. Aside from heredity there are many ways to help keep our heart and cardiovascular system healthy.
Exercise is an excellent way to work the heart and keep the cardiovascular system flowing as it should. Exercise is free and the natural way to give all of our muscles a workout and that includes that most important of muscles, our heart.
Heart health is made possible through the addition of heart supplements, many of which are totally natural such as the B vitamins as well as vitamins C and E. If they are an antioxidant then they are excellent for a healthy heart as well as our mind and body. Omega-3 is highly beneficial. It contains fish oil and many of us do not eat enough fatty fish such as mackerel and halibut.
Vitamins and minerals keep the old ticker running smoothly
It doesn’t matter about your age, heart health vitamins can help keep the entire cardiovascular system running smoothly far longer than just a good diet and exercise program. Actually it is a combination of all three that are needed to insure our entire body functions properly. Many of those vital vitamins can be found in the foods we eat every day. But most of us do not eat as healthy a diet as we should every day and when that happens, our body’s systems can get out of “whack”, causing an imbalance in our daily life.
The value of daily vitamins and minerals
It is vital to heart health that we eat well and take our daily vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamin B complex is very important to all of our organs and the heart in particular. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12 each contribute to a healthy heart. B2, B6, B12, and folic acid have been proven to lower homocysteine which is toxic to our arteries.
B vitamins are considered heart health vitamins because they help by digesting sugars and fats, thus reducing plaque that forms in the arteries. Vitamin B3 otherwise known as niacin is highly beneficial as a cholesterol reducer as it helps lower the “bad” cholesterol called LDL and at the same time assists in raising the “good” cholesterol known as HDL. Additionally, vitamin B3 is good for the brain and liver. Each of the B vitamins is considered highly beneficial to our body.
Never underestimate the value of vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that works its heart health magic by combating free radicals that damage our cells and their structure. Oxygen is vital to life but oxidation destroys it much the same as rust, another oxidant does metals.
Vitamin C actually works well with vitamin E and some of the B vitamins in keeping the levels of “good” cholesterol raised up while defeating the LDL cholesterol, the “bad” one. Additionally, vitamin C is extremely valuable as a fighter against viruses and bacteria which will devastate our immune system every chance they get.
Vitamin E has a proven track record promoting heart health
There have been studies conducted showing the value of vitamin E and other heart supplements such as Omega-3 (fish oil) and the findings agree unanimously that heart disease is reduced by as much as forty percent with these valuable supplements added to a good diet on a daily basis. Vitamin E is additionally beneficial to those with diabetes and acts as a valuable anti-inflammatory.