Daily Multivitamin and Mineral Supplements Keep us Healthy
Taking a daily supplement of multivitamins and minerals is like insurance that we are supplying ourselves with the balanced diet Mother Nature intended for us. So many people have busy schedules that keep them on the run from morning to night and their diet suffers. A quick sandwich or milk shake cannot make up for those vitamin rich vegetables and minerals our body needs.
Taking a balanced multivitamin supplement every day helps keep our body on the right track toward good health when we don’t receive enough of the vital vitamins minerals supplements of a wide variety that our body needs.
The basics must be covered for optimum health and well being
The basic food group (pyramid) charts have been around for generations now and we have learned that in order to remain healthy we must eat a balanced diet consisting of each of those foods.
Eating an orange (for example) not only gives us a good amount of vitamin C but also calcium, beta carotene, and other nutrients. While oranges are not always in season, a multivitamin with mineral supplement will give us that and more when taken daily. Fibre is another vital ingredient in our diet and that is found in breads, other grain products, and many vegetables.
Once again we need to insure that we get enough of the basic foods our body requires and by adding a multivitamin as well as a multi mineral supplement we get the benefit of knowing our body has been supplied with the necessary ingredients to promote good health. Feeling good is vital to our everyday life and when we have the proper balance of ingredients we do feel good, ready to take on the world.
How do we know if we get enough of what we need everyday?
Each vitamin mineral supplement sold has the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) listed for each of the ingredients and this has been determined by scientific research. If we take a balanced multivitamin and mineral supplement daily plus eat a balanced diet (whenever possible) we can be assured we are getting all of those needed ingredients to keep us healthy and feeling good.
Some of us have different dietary needs
Those who work in a high stress environment may require a different combination of vitamins and mineral supplements than others. Most good brands of multivitamins will come in a variety of different combined ingredients suitable for a variety of people.
Mature adults require different amounts of vital minerals as well as vitamins compared to growing children, and senior citizens have still different requirements than do younger people. We each need certain basic vitamin mineral combinations but our age, occupation, and state of health may mean we need extra of certain ingredients.
Children as well as the elderly require additional calcium and their vitamin C should be of a low acid formula as magnesium ascorbate to be gentler on the stomach. Each available combination vitamin mineral supplement should also be suitable for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Micronutrients are a requirement for everyone’s daily diet
In order to meet the daily needs of our body and keep in good health our body requires many micronutrients and those may come in the form of our daily vitamin and mineral intake whether it is by eating foods rich in all the ingredients or by taking a supplemental pill every morning. Even if we eat exactly as recommended by health care providers by following the guidelines and eating exactly what is recommended on the food group pyramid, there are going to be days in which we do not obtain all our body requires. Taking a multivitamin supplement and a mineral supplement on a daily basis just makes good sense and insures us that we are absolutely taking the best care of ourselves and our loved ones we possibly can.
Aiding Short Term Memory Loss May be Helped With Multivitamins
The result of a met-analysis published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease proves that regular use of multivitamins improves immediate short term memory and recall ability as people age. The study was conducted by researchers at Swinburne University of Technology and Monash University in Australia. They analyzed ten different randomized studies involving placebo controlled multivitamin use.
Patients must have taken the multivitamin for at least one month. A total of 3,200 participants took part in the studies.
No other cognitive improvements were associated with the study results, but it supports another study previously published by Swinburne University on clinical trials they conducted which indicated that regular use of multivitamins and mineral supplements improves memory in older women and increases both alertness and a feeling of well-being in older men.
Americans spend over $20 billion annually on dietary supplements, according to the National Institute of Health. Over half the U.S. population takes a supplement of some sort, and 35% of American adults take one or more vitamin product; this according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
The lead researcher on this project was Natalie Grima from Monash University. In explaining the need for the study, she said that science has established a positive link between an adequate intake of vitamins and other nutrients and prime cognitive and physical health. However, it has not been conclusively established whether taking a multivitamin supplement can either improve a person’s current mental processes, or keep those processes from declining.
After systematically reviewing the results of these placebo controlled clinical trials, Grima and her associates found that what’s called immediate free recall memory—that is, short term memory—improved with use of multivitamin supplements.
No improvement in delayed free recall memory—long term memory—or verbal fluency was observed. They were not able to determine whether markers for Alzheimer’s Disease could be likewise effected by vitamin supplements.
Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition by the National Institute of Environmental Health demonstrated that multivitamin users have “younger” cells—that is, their cells show a younger biological age than those of people who don’t use multivitamins.
Biological age is determined by bits of DNA called telomeres, which appear at the end of chromosomes; they shorten as cells age. On average, people who take multivitamins on a daily basis may have telomeres which are 5.1 per cent longer than people who don’t.